I’ve gotten into journaling lately and it’s been…a ride, not gonna lie.
As I deal with my emotions in a healthy manner and not through a pint of Haagen-Dazs, I have to acknowledge something painful in addition to my response to it. Many natural responses are anger, shutting down, and well, eating a pint of Haagen-Dazs.
Looking into getting the right type of journal was not an easy task. There are so many journals to choose from! But only one stood for me that was straight to the point and made me think and express.

Honestly, it’s really the only journal you need. “Journaling Your Way to Feeling Weightless as F*ck!” is their motto and honestly, it’s the truth.
I like the puzzles, prompts, and vulgar language (though I can admit that some of you who read this blog, may not appreciate it). There are also some mazes to go through. It’s very motivating and inspirational.
It’s also funny as hell. “Their Emergency is Not Your Emergency” rings true no matter what the situation is. (I need to give this journal to certain people in my life with that page torn out and copies made.)
I hope 2024 is a year of self-healing for everyone and I hope this is a great journal for you to take that journey on!